[00:00:34] Speaker A: Good evening, everybody, and welcome to this episode four of The Rock Cast, where we dive into session three of The Raw Contact, and we're going to provide you some of our kind of thought and ideas on the material, as usual. So I'm Aaron. Thanks for stopping by. Thank you, Google for nothing.
You got to get used to introducing yourself after I start with okay.
[00:01:09] Speaker B: Hi, I'm Desiree.
[00:01:14] Speaker A: So, yeah, we're going to dig into session three. This is episode four. I think we're going to end up changing that in the future, so they're more cohesive because it's kind of dumb. I might just stop the whole episodic thing. We'll just go by titles.
So there's one thing we want to say. As usual, we are not authoritative interpreters of the material, and we are here only to provide our personal distortions on what's provided within, provide answers to questions when we feel we have enough information to provide one and share the material as much as we can. So please, if you are at all interested, go to ll Research and acquire the material for your own personal research.
And as I said, in this episode, we will continue discussion on what RA's history is, as well as a few tasty tidbits of the most important part of the material, the love one.
You ready for this?
[00:02:10] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:02:11] Speaker A: So, real quick, before we dive in, I'm going to go through the disclaimer as it is. It has been updated since last time and will probably be updated again.
You got to keep it fresh. So we are not experts. We do not claim to be spiritual gurus. These episodes contain our interpretations on the materials discussed. We implore you to not take our interpretation as the only understanding of the materials. The materials themselves are the only authoritative sources available. We encourage all listeners and viewers taking in our content to use their own discernment in regards to the materials we discuss.
If one feels any attractive interest to the materials discussed herein, it is our perception that one should access a source material in their own study to come to their own conclusions. Links, as always, will be provided.
Boom. Thank you for your continued support and drive towards spiritual polarization. And welcome to the family of the Law of one.
Are you signed in?
[00:03:24] Speaker B: No.
[00:03:25] Speaker A: Okay.
You can do that if you want.
[00:03:29] Speaker B: I won't be able to read this if I do.
[00:03:32] Speaker A: You don't have to keep it open. You can do, like, what I did. I have it in another thingy, but.
[00:03:38] Speaker B: I have to moderate chat.
[00:03:39] Speaker A: Chat's right there.
[00:03:41] Speaker B: Oh.
[00:03:42] Speaker A: That's why I turned the monitor around.
See, I'm being smarticles this time. Getting better week by week.
Okay, so you want to do the first question, or you want me to go ahead and start?
[00:03:58] Speaker B: I'll do it.
[00:03:59] Speaker A: All right.
[00:04:01] Speaker B: Okay. The question is, do we correctly perform the ritual for starting the communication? I'm going to guess you want me to read the rest of this?
[00:04:09] Speaker A: Sure.
[00:04:10] Speaker B: So this first question is in reference to the assistance that was provided by RA at the end of our previous session, which was, hey, make sure she's X amount of degrees this way. Make sure there's this basically holy water here. Make sure that there's this make sure that there's this, et cetera, et cetera.
[00:04:29] Speaker A: Not technically holy water, but it's whatever. Yeah.
[00:04:32] Speaker B: In layman's terms, it'll be easier. Virgin water.
[00:04:37] Speaker A: Fresh water and a virgin chalice. Where at the end of the channel or at the beginning of the channel, as they're preparing the chalice, they put love into the water.
[00:04:48] Speaker B: Yeah. Okay.
I guess I just basically said all that.
I'm not very ready, as you can tell.
[00:05:01] Speaker A: Yeah, that's okay.
[00:05:03] Speaker B: Go ahead.
[00:05:05] Speaker A: You want me to go?
[00:05:06] Speaker B: Yeah, go ahead.
[00:05:06] Speaker A: All right, well, I'll just continue where she left off. We don't really find the content provided incredibly important to the message we're trying to share with the podcast. However, there are some interesting details provided that kind of give some insight into the processes that RA suggests to increase the quality. And Don't, I don't know the strength of the channel, really, where RA says the placement of the artifacts should be placed at the instrument's head for the least distortion of effect. The remainder of the beginning account of purpose is quite acceptable for those speaking desire to serve. And what he's talking about there was the circle of RA, where they're stating their intentions with the question and answer.
But then there's another interesting insight provided by RA's heeding their caution against negatively polarizing entities by saying, quote, we caution you to guard against those who are not wishing to serve others above all else from taking part in the beginning or in lending their distortions of mind, body, spirit complex to any session as we should then be unable to properly blend our distortions with those of this instrument. This is a nice taste of the properties of a core concept of the law of one, which is polarities.
And then we'll learn about those as we keep going on.
I just find it pretty cool that well, not really, I guess cool, but interesting that the core energies of other people that come in and out of the circle affect the channel, which, I mean, it makes sense because everything is right.
[00:06:45] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:06:46] Speaker A: And RA actually talks about that later on when Don asks about bringing other people into the circle.
So are you awake now? Do you want to try the next one a little shorter?
[00:07:01] Speaker B: Yeah. So the question is asking about artifacts. Don here asks if they should move any of the artifacts around to better assist Carla, which is the channeler.
Don then makes these changes, asks RA again if the placement is okay, and Raw just responds with, I am raw. Please correct the angle of the incense so that it is perpendicular to the plane of 20 degrees north by northeast. Still pretty interesting. That it's. Super precise.
[00:07:29] Speaker A: Super precise. Until later on. It's hilarious.
[00:07:32] Speaker B: Don makes the corrections again and then raw states please check by eye to make fine correction.
[00:07:38] Speaker A: So, dude, 20 degrees north by northeast. Is this good? Check by eye. You got it. It's okay.
We need to be dead nuts on precision, but I mean, if you waver a little, use your eyes. You got it's. Okay. You got this. Really? Humans.
[00:07:57] Speaker B: Okay.
So there are precise instructions for properly aligning these artifacts with some self judgment, hence the check by eye of RA's response. Small things making a big difference.
[00:08:12] Speaker A: I don't remember typing that last little bit. That's a nice touch as me.
So since you started talking about the artifacts, you want to continue?
[00:08:21] Speaker B: Yeah, sure. So Roz then is going to explain the artifacts.
They get into detail about the importance of all the artifacts and their orientation. They state, the incense acts as an energizer to the physical body of this instrument, signifying its humanity. This is therefore a necessity that the wafted smoke is perceived from the same relative angle as the instrument perceives the open Bible balanced by the lighted candle, signifying love light, and light love, and therefore give the mental and emotional, shall we call it, distortion complex of this instrument, the sight of paradise and peace which it seeks. Thus energized from the lower to the higher, the instrument becomes balanced and does not grow fatigued. We appreciate your concern, for this will enable our teach learning to proceed more easily. And then Don asks if their alignment is okay again, Ross says, I judge it within limits of acceptability. So even if these intricate details are necessary for a good channel, so long as they're just basically close enough, it's okay.
You need to be precise, but you got it.
It's like 0.221 off, but you it's.
[00:09:43] Speaker A: All about the intention here. Yes. It's the energies involved with everything. It's the energies that they're intending to share as well as their intent to serve. That's the biggest thing that Ralph talks about all the time, is you guys are good because your intentions are good.
[00:09:59] Speaker B: Yep.
[00:10:00] Speaker A: So of that quote, is there anything that you wanted some clarification on? Nope.
[00:10:05] Speaker B: Seems pretty simple.
[00:10:07] Speaker A: Okay. There is one thing I'd want to say. For those that aren't familiar with the Chakra stuff RA speaks of, thus energized from the lower to the higher, RA is referencing, in my opinion, the Chakra energy centers.
[00:10:25] Speaker B: That makes sense because in my brain I'm like, okay, yeah, that makes sense. And then I'm like, the more you talk about, I'm like because I mean.
[00:10:34] Speaker A: RA's draining Carla's energy, right. So she is doing the best she can, obviously.
It's not like she's a slacker or nothing. I just remembered you can lift this up now. It's closer to my face.
[00:10:53] Speaker B: I'm short.
[00:10:56] Speaker A: I left them the same for like what's it called?
Symmetry. But then I realized that every time I turn my head, I hear myself get quieter. So I'm just like, I'm just going to lift this up.
Isn't that nice?
It's almost like Cubby here knows how to buy good mean. Ralph states a lot, and we'll get into it more and more, like, I use a lot of energy.
A lot of energy. So we need to make sure that Carla is as physically comfortable as possible.
And now we get into the fun stuff again. We're getting back into the pyramids. So Don asks.
At the last session, we had two questions we were saving for this session, one having to do with the possible capstone of the Great Pyramid at Giza, the other with how you moved the heavy blocks. I know these questions are of no importance at all with respect to the Law of One, but it was my judgment, which you may correct, that this would provide an easy entry for the reader of the material.
We are very grateful for your contact and will certainly take suggestions about how we should proceed with this. This is just one guess.
RA comes back. I am RA. I will not suggest the proper series of questions. This is your prerogative as free agent of the Law of One. Having learned, understood, that our social memory complex cannot effectually discern the distortions of the societal mind, body, spirit complex of your peoples, we wish now to fulfill our teach learning, honor, responsibility by answering what is asked. This only will suffice, for we cannot plumb the deaths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples. So before I go further into the actual response did you get that?
[00:12:57] Speaker B: Somewhat.
[00:12:58] Speaker A: Okay. I know RA's whole like this, that thing is a hard thing to get over.
[00:13:05] Speaker B: Oh, no, that's you got that? That's fine.
[00:13:08] Speaker A: Okay.
Just in case someone doesn't, that's because all is one. So when you're teaching, you're learning. When you're learning, you're understanding.
Honor, duty. You have an honor, you serve the duty, stuff like that.
Where's your confusion?
[00:13:26] Speaker B: Nowhere. Just keep going.
[00:13:28] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:13:28] Speaker B: You're fine.
[00:13:29] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:13:32] Speaker B: The material is so heavy. It's not that I don't understand. It just takes a little bit to sink in fully.
What's the word? Not sink in.
[00:13:44] Speaker A: Firmly grasp it.
[00:13:47] Speaker B: No.
[00:13:48] Speaker A: Firmly grasp it.
[00:13:50] Speaker B: No.
[00:13:50] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:13:51] Speaker B: It's more like you're trying to weave through it.
[00:13:55] Speaker A: Right. That's kind of the point of this. We want to disseminate the material.
[00:13:59] Speaker B: Yes.
My brain is a little more analytical than yours. I just sit here and go, yes, when you're like, yeah. Okay, let's keep going.
[00:14:11] Speaker A: Teach, learn. Understood. Capstone. Got it.
[00:14:15] Speaker B: Yeah, pretty much.
So it's never like, I'm confused unless I come out and literally go, okay, that's confused.
[00:14:22] Speaker A: What in the what is this?
[00:14:24] Speaker B: What?
[00:14:26] Speaker A: Okay.
So the first question, therefore, is the capstone reiterate the unimportance of this type of data once again, because RA is only here to dictate the Law of One, the so called Great Pyramid had two capstones. One was of our design and was of smaller and carefully contrived pieces of the material upon your planet, which you call granite. That rhymed. This was contrived of crystalline properties and for the proper flow of your atmosphere via a type of what you would call chimney.
At a time when we as a people had left your density, the original was taken away and a more precious one substituted. It consisted in part of a golden material. This did not change the properties of the pyramid, as you call it, at all, and was a distortion due to the desire of the few to mandate the use of the structure as a royal place only. Do you wish to query further upon this first question? Do you wish to query upon his response?
[00:15:27] Speaker B: No, but I want to make a point here.
[00:15:30] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:15:34] Speaker B: Crystalline.
[00:15:35] Speaker A: Yes. Technically, every rock is crystalline, but this.
[00:15:39] Speaker B: Is the name of it. That's the name of this one.
[00:15:42] Speaker A: That rock is crystalline?
[00:15:44] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:15:44] Speaker A: Okay.
I know. I just touched it.
[00:15:49] Speaker B: No, you can touch it more, though.
[00:15:50] Speaker A: Touch it more. You really like your stone. Yeah, that's okay. I'm down with that. But it's not granite. That's what Rob was speaking about.
[00:15:57] Speaker B: No, but I'm just saying.
[00:16:00] Speaker A: So Rob says, yeah, we put granite out there because it worked, it served its purpose, and then because of the distortions of third density humans and all that other good stuff excuse you.
They took it down, put a gold one up there, because these pyramids are only for people of power, which led into the hypocrisy that URA found themselves in when they decided to zip out of here. Yes, 11,000 years ago, roughly. Okay.
Would you like me to continue talking about the pyramids? Because I mean that's most of this session or do you want to bounce back and forth?
[00:16:40] Speaker B: I'll do the next one.
[00:16:41] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:16:42] Speaker B: So the question is, what do you mean by chimney?
I, too, had this question, so great question.
RA says there is a proper flow of your atmosphere, which, through small freshens, though wow. Though small. We're just going to start over. There is a proper flow of your atmosphere, which, though small, freshens the whole of the structure.
This was designed by having airflow ducts, as this instrument might call them, situated so that there was a freshness of atmosphere without any disturbance or draught. You can tell how bad my eyes are right now.
[00:17:26] Speaker A: So, literally a chimney.
[00:17:28] Speaker B: Yes, literally a chimney.
Just the atmosphere is a chimney.
[00:17:33] Speaker A: Well, they put a chimney in the pyramids. There's a hole that goes from the central room where the initiates would be, that goes straight out directly where the fresh air was coming in without causing.
[00:17:47] Speaker B: Wind, which has been.
[00:17:51] Speaker A: Well, yeah, I'm just saying. Yes.
Anyone looking at them can see that they're physically there. RA is now saying why? Yes, because fresh air can come in without making a draft. Yes, because science yeah. And RA.
[00:18:09] Speaker B: I wouldn't say because of raw.
[00:18:11] Speaker A: But you will in a minute.
[00:18:15] Speaker B: Okay. I mean, I'm pretty sure Raw doesn't make the atmosphere science. No, that's what I was meaning.
[00:18:22] Speaker A: Oh, no, I was saying because Raw because they made it.
[00:18:26] Speaker B: Yeah, I understood that part. Yeah, but Raw did not make science happen.
[00:18:31] Speaker A: No source made science.
[00:18:34] Speaker B: Exactly.
[00:18:35] Speaker A: We're just very poorly interpreting it. interpretating? Interpreting English. I don't speak it.
You can tell.
[00:18:44] Speaker B: I don't either.
[00:18:46] Speaker A: You want to get into the fun stuff? You don't need to.
[00:18:48] Speaker B: I'll do the next one.
So what? Why are you looking at me like that?
[00:18:54] Speaker A: Do you mean this one, next one or next one next?
[00:18:56] Speaker B: This one.
[00:18:56] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:18:57] Speaker B: So the question was how were the blocks moved?
[00:19:00] Speaker A: Something that science has been fighting for centuries.
[00:19:04] Speaker B: Aliens. Obviously.
[00:19:08] Speaker A: This is what we're talking about here.
[00:19:10] Speaker B: Raw. I am raw. You must picture the activity within all that is created. The energy is through finite.
[00:19:18] Speaker A: You did it again.
Put your glasses on.
[00:19:28] Speaker B: I can't with these heads.
[00:19:30] Speaker A: Oh, I thought they were soft enough.
[00:19:32] Speaker B: No.
[00:19:32] Speaker A: Adjust it a bit. Does it work?
[00:19:34] Speaker B: No.
[00:19:34] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:19:41] Speaker B: The energy is though finite. Quite large compared to the understanding distortion of your pupils. Shouldn't that be a slash?
[00:19:49] Speaker A: No.
[00:19:50] Speaker B: Okay, this is an obvious point, well known to your peoples, but little considered.
[00:19:56] Speaker A: Do you want to discuss why it's not slashed?
[00:19:58] Speaker B: Sure.
[00:19:59] Speaker A: Because distortion, understanding, do not go hand in hand with one speaking to one. It is an understanding distortion.
[00:20:07] Speaker B: Yes. Okay, that makes sense. Okay. This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as.
[00:20:18] Speaker A: I'm not trying to interrupt hierarchical?
[00:20:21] Speaker B: You might as well just read it then.
[00:20:22] Speaker A: No, I'm just saying because if you say the wrong word, which hierarchical isn't a word.
[00:20:28] Speaker B: Just read it.
[00:20:29] Speaker A: Because this hierarchical means there's a hierarchy.
[00:20:33] Speaker B: Just read it.
[00:20:34] Speaker A: Now you're being sassy with me because I'm trying to make sure we're sharing the material properly.
[00:20:38] Speaker B: Just read.
[00:20:43] Speaker A: Sassy pants.
This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as your mind, body, spirit complex dwells within a hierarchy of vehicles and retains therefore the shell or shape or field and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock. When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical or chemical rock body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well tuned bodies, be they human or rock. Did you get it?
With this connection made, a request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rockness communicates sorry, rockness got to me. The intelligence of infinite rockness communicates to its physical vehicle and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rockness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call simply infinity.
I can't speak RA in this way. That which is required is accomplished due to the cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock. This is of course the mechanism by which many things are accomplished which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.
Long story short, you connect your energy to the rock and because energies are hierarchical you can command the rock to do what you want by thought.
However, RA makes it two paragraphs.
Any other questions?
[00:22:49] Speaker B: I didn't have a question to begin with.
[00:22:51] Speaker A: Okay, so I also want to state that we do have an email.
If anyone does have any questions of any of the material covered it is
[email protected]. Any questions can be sent that way and we will respond.
This is still talking about the movement of the rock. Would you like me to continue?
[00:23:13] Speaker B: Go ahead.
[00:23:15] Speaker A: Dondon asks. I am reminded of the statement approximately if you had enough faith you could say to a mountain to move and the mountain would move. I assume this is approximately what you are saying and I am assuming that if you are fully aware of the Law of One then you are able to do these things. Is that correct?
I'm just going to say this. No. Because we're aware of the Law of One and I can look at that roll of paper towels right there and that some bitch ain't moving.
I'm trying right now.
It doesn't work.
[00:23:49] Speaker B: Because the roll of paper towels was made by man.
[00:23:55] Speaker A: Doesn't matter because we're all that creator.
[00:23:57] Speaker B: That was a joke.
[00:24:00] Speaker A: Yeah, my bad.
I am wrong.
The vibratory distortion of sound faith is perhaps one of the stumbling blocks between those of what we may call the infinite path and those of the finite proving understanding. You are precisely correct in your understanding of the congruency of faith and intelligent infinity. However, one is a spiritual term and the other more acceptable perhaps to the conceptual framework distortions of those who seek with measure in pen.
Basically saying it's not faith, it's science. I think that's what I got out of it.
[00:24:44] Speaker B: Faith is a relative term.
[00:24:48] Speaker A: Yeah, totally me.
You just don't want to read tonight, do you?
I put this nice slideshow together so it was convenient and we weren't sliding through a document.
[00:25:07] Speaker B: Then I will read the question and you can read the response. Oh yeah, because it's small question then if an individual is totally informed with the respect of the Law of One and lives and is the Law of One such things as the building of a pyramid by direct mental effort would be commonplace. Is that what I am to understand? Am I correct?
[00:25:31] Speaker A: I am RA, you are incorrect in that there is a distinction between the individual power through the Law of One and the combined or societal memory complex mind, body, spirit, understanding of the Law of One. In the first case only the one individual purified of all flaws could move a mountain. In the case of mass understanding of unity, each individual may maintain an acceptable amount of distortion, and yet the mass mind could move mountains.
Did you get that?
[00:26:03] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:26:04] Speaker A: Because I think some people might have a hard time getting that one because it took me a little bit.
[00:26:08] Speaker B: Then explain it.
[00:26:09] Speaker A: I'm going to.
[00:26:10] Speaker B: You don't have to always ask me.
[00:26:12] Speaker A: Well, I do. Because you're a co host.
Yeah. Anyway, so if one entity, one being so one person, since we're third density humans, is perfect in understanding and living law of one. Yes, they can move a mountain, which.
[00:26:30] Speaker B: None of us are perfect because we're silly humans.
[00:26:34] Speaker A: Right.
[00:26:35] Speaker B: Which is the reason why we can't make that roll of paper towels move.
[00:26:39] Speaker A: Right yet, but we will. So what this is saying is basically the mass consciousness. So the consciousness of the populace, the varying distortions of realization and living within the law of one can work up to the point where the mass consciousness can theoretically move a mountain.
[00:27:04] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:27:05] Speaker A: Which is actually something we're seeing all the time.
And Rob talks about this later. I've listened to some Eckhart Tolle stuff today. Amazing teacher, by the way, basically saying all of the problems in the world that we're seeing are because the mass consciousness is manifesting them.
Everyone is living in this negative outlook on the world and this negative viewpoint of everything, and like, oh, it's just going to keep getting worse. It's not going to get better. And what that does is it feeds the powers of those that be, and the universe is like, okay, the planet wants it, we're going to give it to it. And it just keeps feeding the negativity, which is another big draw for me to do this, to get the material out there so more people can be aware of how this can be and how we can actually, as a society, kind of move on and be positive.
[00:28:03] Speaker B: Are the noises I'm hearing from upstairs.
[00:28:08] Speaker A: That or chair or something?
[00:28:10] Speaker B: Okay. It's just freaking me out.
[00:28:13] Speaker A: It's okay. There's no one here.
[00:28:14] Speaker B: I'm just like, what am I hearing?
[00:28:17] Speaker A: It's probably upstairs, baby.
The progress is normally from the understanding which you now seek to a dimension of understanding which is governed by the laws of love and which seeks the laws of light. Those who are vibrating with the law of light seek the law of one. Those who vibrate with the law of one seek the law of foreverness. We cannot say what is beyond this disillusion of the unified self with all that there is, for we still seek to become all that there is, and still we are raw. Thus our paths go onward.
This is talking about basically ascending densities.
[00:28:53] Speaker B: Yes.
So was the pyramid then built by the mutual action of many of your people?
It's not a question anymore.
[00:29:07] Speaker A: Oh, that's how you want to do this?
[00:29:08] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:29:08] Speaker A: Okay.
I am RA. The pyramids which we thought built were constructed from thought forms created by our social memory complex.
[00:29:20] Speaker B: Then the rock was created by thought in place rather than moved from somewhere else. Is that correct?
[00:29:27] Speaker A: I am Rob. We built with everlasting rock the Great Pyramid, as you call it. Other of the pyramids were built with stone, moved from one place to another.
[00:29:38] Speaker B: What is everlasting rock A great question.
[00:29:42] Speaker A: I am RA. If you can understand the concept of thought forms, you will realize that the thought form is more regular in its distortion than the energy fields created by the materials in the rock which has been created through thought form from thought to finite energy. And beingness in your, shall we say, distorted reflection of the level of the thought form. May we answer you in any more helpful way?
[00:30:11] Speaker B: Why blocks instead of one whole construction?
[00:30:15] Speaker A: I am RA. There is a law which oh, I love this one. There is a law which we believe to be one of the more significant primal distortions of the Law of One. That is the law of confusion.
You have called this the law of free will. We wished to make an healing machine or time space ratio complex which was as efficacious as possible.
However, we did not desire to allow the mystery to be penetrated by the peoples in such a way that we became worshipped as builders of a miraculous pyramid. Thus, it appears to be made, not thought.
Would you like to read my response there?
[00:30:57] Speaker B: Sure. This is good.
All capital letters.
[00:31:01] Speaker A: Yes. Screaming.
[00:31:02] Speaker B: It good.
This is one of the primal distortions of the Law of One. The law of confusion the law of confusion not to be confused with the Land of Confusion by disturbed.
[00:31:16] Speaker A: True.
Just as confusing.
[00:31:20] Speaker B: This is one of the biggest parts of why communications from above are rarely cut and dry.
There's always a mystery. This is also why entities have never just poof popped out of nowhere up on the front up on the front lawn of the White House to share information. It would have a massive effect on our societal consciousness, throwing the world into some crazy turmoil. Only a select few have been chosen either by positive or negative entities to receive messages of this nature.
So we're continuing on with these.
[00:32:03] Speaker A: I told you this whole session is like an ass load of pyramid.
[00:32:06] Speaker B: That's fine.
Well, then you speak of the pyramid, especially the Great Pyramid, I assume, as primarily a healing machine and also spoke of it as a device for initiation. Are these one and the same concepts?
[00:32:24] Speaker A: This gets really, really interesting, too.
They are part of notice there. I am RA was not written.
[00:32:34] Speaker B: There's quite a few of them so far that we've gone through that have done that, yes.
[00:32:39] Speaker A: Which, come to find out, is actually what has happened. If you listen to the audiobook, I am raw is put in every time, even if Rod didn't say it. And if you listen to the Raw contact audiobook, interesting side note, they are part of one complex of Love light, intent sharing. To use the healing aspects properly, it was important to have a purified and dedicated channel or energizer for the Love Light of the infinite Creator to flow through. Thus, the initiatory method was necessary to prepare the mind, the body and the spirit for service in the Creator's work. The two are integral.
[00:33:18] Speaker B: So is the shape of the pyramids key to the functions of the initiation process?
[00:33:23] Speaker A: This is a large question. We feel that we shall begin and ask you to reevaluate and ask further at a later session. This somewhat, shall we say, informative point and God. Yes, it is. To begin. There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures. One has to do with the body.
One has to do with the body. Before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated. This is the point at which most adepts of your present cycle find their mind body spirit complexes distorted from when the character and personality that is the true identity of the mind has been discovered. The body then must be known in each and every way. Thus, the various functions of the body need understanding and control with detachment. The first use of the pyramid then is the going down into the pyramid for purposes of deprivation of sensory input, so that the body may, in a sense, be dead and another life begin.
We advise at this time any necessary questions and a fairly rapid ending of this session. Have you any query at this time? Space.
So Rao's talking there. Basically, the pyramids, this part of the initiatory process, turn them into a sensory deprivation tank to physically, in a sense, disconnect mind from body.
Granted, they didn't exist back then, so it was RA's like pyramid chimney, except there wasn't poof because shit blowing up.
[00:35:08] Speaker B: All right, so now we're going back to the closing questions, which are going to go back to basically, hey, how can we make Car live and more comfortable? Did we do everything right? Are you really sure we did this? Are you positive?
[00:35:20] Speaker A: We did, yeah. That froze down, though, a lot.
[00:35:22] Speaker B: Like, are you sure? Because it could be 19.99 degrees.
[00:35:29] Speaker A: They don't talk about the artifacts at the end. No, I know, but it's cool.
This all slows down, right? This isn't happening all the time. But it does pop up when certain things are happening with Carla because they're concerned about her, obviously, because Ross sucks a lot of power.
[00:35:46] Speaker B: Yes.
So the question is well, the only question is, is there anything that we have done wrong or anything that we could do to make the instrument more comfortable? Meaning Carla.
[00:36:00] Speaker A: Yes. Which you don't have to make that.
[00:36:02] Speaker B: Reference because they don't.
[00:36:04] Speaker A: But I. Get it.
[00:36:05] Speaker B: Sometimes people just kind of forget because anything could be considered an instrument.
[00:36:10] Speaker A: Exactly. And in this time space, Carla is an instrument. She's literally but the incense an instrument for noon. The incense at this point is an artifact.
[00:36:26] Speaker B: But an artifact can also be an instrument.
[00:36:28] Speaker A: But it doesn't make noise.
[00:36:31] Speaker B: An instrument doesn't have to make noise.
[00:36:33] Speaker A: In this sense, it does. Carla's making noises to speak for RA, which, getting to that, I will figure out how to get this stupid thing to work so I can share a clip of the actual channels because it's kind of creepy, but awesome at the same time.
[00:36:47] Speaker B: Okay, just go on. Move on.
[00:36:50] Speaker A: I am raw. We scan this instrument. This instrument has been much aided by these precautions, basically saying, Good job.
We suggest only some small attention to the neck, which seems in this body distortion to be distorted in the area of strength, weakness, opposites.
Yes. More support, therefore, to the neck area may be an aid.
[00:37:15] Speaker B: Should we have her drink the water from the chalice behind her head after we charge it, or should we use a different glass of water?
[00:37:22] Speaker A: I am wrong. That and only that chalice shall be the most beneficial as the virgin material living in the chalice accepts, retains and responds to the love vibration activated by your beingness. I am RA. I will now leave this group rejoicing in the power and peace of the one Creator.
Ad and I hey, go to the next page.
[00:37:52] Speaker B: Perfect.
[00:37:56] Speaker A: Why do you think I want you to look at these?
[00:37:58] Speaker B: Well, I understand you go to work for 18 hours.
[00:38:02] Speaker A: I go to work for 40 hours a week if I'm lucky.
Yes. Choke.
[00:38:10] Speaker B: Technically, I should be having more than 40, but they gave me the extra day off.
[00:38:13] Speaker A: I know it kind of sucks, but also kind of doesn't. I like the extra day.
[00:38:17] Speaker B: Yeah, so do I. Because I'll probably just chill out.
[00:38:20] Speaker A: Of course.
[00:38:21] Speaker B: Anyway.
[00:38:24] Speaker A: So there was a lot of material in this session about the construction of the pyramids, which I firmly believe as fact.
You don't have to. Scientists don't have to. Even they are leaning towards aliens.
Science is leaning towards extraterrestrial support for the pyramids. That's the only thing that makes sense.
[00:38:48] Speaker B: Built from the top down?
[00:38:51] Speaker A: No, because that just doesn't make sense.
This is important in our societal distortions due to the simple fact that there has never been a complete scientific explanation of how they were constructed. It has been widely, widely accepted that there must have been some sort of extraterrestrial assistance. But science as a whole has had an abhorrence at the thought that we aren't alone. The fact that Rod just straight up laid it out there like, yeah, I did that is something I felt like I've known in my heart for quite a while.
I just had no way to prove it. And this whole thing is enough for me due to my new beliefs and understanding about existence as a whole. And I know I've said this before, but this experience in its entirety has completely changed my life. And you can attest to this since you know me better than anyone else right now, the old me would not have done anything like we're doing right now. And I got to say, truthfully, having this new freedom, this real freedom in life, is the greatest thing to ever happen.
This incarnation, it just feels pretty fucking dope.
And I am overwhelmingly happy that my higher self decided that now is the time and for all of this to come together the way it did and everything that happened the way it did, for me to find you the most amazing woman in my life hold on.
[00:40:45] Speaker B: Do you need me a pinch of nipple?
[00:40:47] Speaker A: Sure.
And then all the experiences we've had and the catalysts we've gone through over all these years has brought us and me, it's brought us to this point, and it's extremely exciting. I know I have this written down here, but I truly mean it.
This isn't just me talking out of my ass and this point here that without things that happened, we probably would have never gotten to on our own.
And I believe this is all part of a design laid out by higher self to achieve the polarization that our souls and our forever consciousness, whatever you want to call it, needed along the beautiful path of life and existence in our ascension back to source.
It's fucking rad.
I've never been this happy.
So I genuinely hope that to anyone that ever finds this or the material, that what I've experienced, what I've gone through in the last six months happens to you too, because, fuck, man, it's life changing.
What about you?
[00:42:21] Speaker B: Well, mine's going to be a little different than this. I'm going to cry.
[00:42:28] Speaker A: Sorry I stopped it.
[00:42:32] Speaker B: So back to how you said there's a lot about the pyramids and stuff like that growing up. Obviously, we both basically grew up in Christian households. Yeah, I feel I did.
[00:42:48] Speaker A: Matter of fact, you had the whole.
[00:42:50] Speaker B: I was going to say the Judaism edge of it. Well, for, like, two years.
[00:42:56] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:42:58] Speaker B: Most of my life was in private school, so I was about to say, I'm pretty sure I had a little bit more than you shoved into my brain.
[00:43:06] Speaker A: Probably a lot more. I didn't get beat by my teachers.
[00:43:11] Speaker B: Anyway, so this just blows the Old Testament out of the water.
Just saying.
[00:43:20] Speaker A: And this is just the beginning because.
[00:43:21] Speaker B: It'S like, oh, the Jews were in slavery and they had to build the pyramids, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
[00:43:29] Speaker A: Does the Old Testament actually say that Jews were forced slaves?
[00:43:33] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:43:33] Speaker A: Well, I know that because Moses was sent to Egypt to free Yahweh's people, the war God.
[00:43:42] Speaker B: The Jews that quote, unquote built the pyramids were not the same jews. Moses prayed.
[00:43:50] Speaker A: Oh, no.
[00:43:54] Speaker B: Jews were enslaved many, many times by the Egyptians, because Egyptians are just rude.
[00:44:04] Speaker A: They're pantheistic.
[00:44:05] Speaker B: They're derude.
[00:44:07] Speaker A: Yeah, they're derude, but they're sexy Egyptians. Yeah.
Anyway, snake charmers and shit. No, that's India.
[00:44:19] Speaker B: Wow. I mean, technically, you can beat snake german in Egypt, too.
[00:44:23] Speaker A: Yeah, probably. Yeah.
[00:44:25] Speaker B: Those are a little more dangerous than cobras.
A little more venomous. Poisonous venomous.
[00:44:33] Speaker A: Venomous.
[00:44:34] Speaker B: If it bites you and it kills you, it's venomous.
[00:44:36] Speaker A: If you bite it and it kills you, it's poisonous.
[00:44:38] Speaker B: Yes. But if you bite each other and you both die, it's just kinky anyway.
So it always just blows, basically, the Old Testament out of the water.
[00:44:51] Speaker A: And how do you feel about that?
[00:44:52] Speaker B: Perfectly fine, because I'm trying to get into it. Trying to get into what I'm trying to say.
[00:44:58] Speaker A: Okay.
[00:44:59] Speaker B: Basically, as I was growing up, going through that whole, here, let's memorize Bible verses.
Let's do this. And this is what the Bible says. And this is it.
One of the reasons why I got hit by one of my teachers is because I went, that's not right.
Because as I've told you and I don't remember if I said anything about this, but obviously, as a younger woman, younger girl, younger me, I hardly remember some of this, but I always talked about stuff from the past in an Egyptian and so brain went, that's not right. This didn't happen.
So I've always known that pyramids were built not by that way, but of course, as you grow up and you're being shoved through all this crap, the societal norms norms, quote, unquote distortions of being a human. Yeah. They're just going to and that's why.
[00:46:07] Speaker A: Kids are always the ones to I mean, they're not I don't want to really say brainwashed, but they're not I mean, distorted is a good word for it. They're not distorted.
[00:46:20] Speaker B: I feel brainwashed is a good word for it because putting it in just the way I can see it for myself, if I sat there and I said, no, that's not right, and I got hit for it, I get to go home, I get hit for it. It's basically like you are being what's that word?
[00:46:43] Speaker A: You're being punished for having free thought.
[00:46:45] Speaker B: Yes. And you're basically being you're being pavlov.
[00:46:54] Speaker A: Explain that to the listeners.
[00:46:56] Speaker B: So as pavlov did, he rang a bell and then put food out for a dog. So now every single time he rings the bell, the dog salivates, even if the food is not there. So basically, classical conditioning there's the words.
You're being classically conditioned to be a.
[00:47:20] Speaker A: Societal norm and classical conditioning, is that always abusive?
[00:47:26] Speaker B: No, but it can be, right?
[00:47:31] Speaker A: And in your situation, it was. Which has caused you PTSD.
[00:47:35] Speaker B: Yeah. Actually, the earliest version of classical conditioning actually killed a child.
[00:47:41] Speaker A: Oh, well, that's exciting.
[00:47:44] Speaker B: And then the second one was the child grew up afraid of literally anything because they didn't reverse it. There was no ethical boundaries and et cetera, et cetera.
[00:47:54] Speaker A: Of course not, because it was brand new and cognitive. That makes sense.
[00:48:00] Speaker B: It was just so brand new. And they're just like, who cares?
[00:48:03] Speaker A: Yeah, let's abuse the fuck out of one person for the betterment of the whole. Well, yes and no.
[00:48:09] Speaker B: Lil Kin's name. If anybody really wants to look into this no, please, seriously, go ahead. The little kid's name is Little Albert.
They put a little white rabbit in front of him, and then they made a cling noise behind him to make him frightened. Get frightened. So every single time they brought the little white rabbit out, the child got scared. And then all of a sudden it started being every little white thing, like a rat paper towel. Dispenser furrow made the connection to anything white or fuzzy. Dogs could be brown, but they're fuzzy. So kids afraid.
[00:48:44] Speaker A: That makes sense.
[00:48:45] Speaker B: Bebo those little boppet things with little clowns that you hit and knock over and they come back.
It's like an inflatable thing that you hit and it falls over and then it comes yes. Bibo or something like that. I don't know. I only know that name from the rugrats.
[00:49:03] Speaker A: That's okay. But yeah, I know what you're talking about.
[00:49:05] Speaker B: But child's afraid of that. The child's afraid of going outside.
[00:49:11] Speaker A: And when was this thumb?
If it had Bibo, it's got to be in like the 80s or 90s, right?
[00:49:17] Speaker B: I was going to say it's like.
[00:49:17] Speaker A: It'S the yeah, they had those toys back then.
[00:49:22] Speaker B: Because early psychology really didn't start until the mean.
[00:49:28] Speaker A: That makes sense. Yeah.
[00:49:30] Speaker B: I don't expect psychology is very relatively new.
[00:49:33] Speaker A: Right. And it is very much a started over in reference to the law of one. It is very much a high third density thought.
[00:49:42] Speaker B: Yeah, that poor kid.
[00:49:46] Speaker A: Oh, yeah. And I'm sure there's millions of them out there, too.
[00:49:49] Speaker B: Oh, yeah. Twin go. Look at little Albert. There's videos on YouTube, and you're a.
[00:49:56] Speaker A: Living example of that. Except over time you've managed to break out.
[00:50:02] Speaker B: It's very possible to do that. But some people like, unfortunately, Little Albert, because I don't know the rest of the poor child's name again, the video's on YouTube, the real video for it.
I don't remember where I was going.
[00:50:21] Speaker A: Breaking out of conditioning.
[00:50:22] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, you can break out of conditioning, but unfortunately, sometimes you can't because it's so deeply ingrained that it's just you are permanently scarred.
[00:50:32] Speaker A: I can see that perception, but it.
[00:50:36] Speaker B: Does like brain damage.
[00:50:39] Speaker A: That doesn't surprise me at all, but I still firmly believe that there are natural ways through everything.
[00:50:46] Speaker B: There probably is. I just want to see the natural remedy for a deflated brain.
Yes. Deflated in one specific area.
And it's not on the outside, it's on the inside.
[00:51:04] Speaker A: All healing can be done through thought.
[00:51:06] Speaker B: Yeah, but when you can't think, it.
[00:51:11] Speaker A: Doesn'T have to be of the individual who's injured.
I'm just saying too, we've done it to each other.
[00:51:20] Speaker B: It's not like a sprained ankle.
[00:51:22] Speaker A: No, but the same thing applies.
And even if you Egyptian lady recall from 11,000 years ago, their healers and mystics were hands on and herbal.
[00:51:36] Speaker B: Oh, yeah, 100%.
[00:51:38] Speaker A: But they also thought, like, frontal lobe distortions were a thing. And sucking people's brains out with straws and all that, they only did that.
[00:51:48] Speaker B: When they were dead. I'm just saying lobotomies only happened in the 60s because humans are stupid. Yes, and they thought that smacking an ice pick literally into your brain to swirl it around to fix your frontal lobe so you could actually think properly was the best way possible, when in.
[00:52:09] Speaker A: Actuality no, it just destroyed your personality, destroys everything.
[00:52:15] Speaker B: Because as you learn about more about mental illness, it's not just here in the frontal lobe. It's here. It's here. It's here, it's here. It's everywhere.
[00:52:25] Speaker A: Oh, yeah.
[00:52:28] Speaker B: Like veterans, you only get one part of the temporal lobe.
[00:52:35] Speaker A: I was going to say it's more like just crossed electrical connections. Like you can have some weird thing going on in your car where blindside?
[00:52:43] Speaker B: That's a mental disability.
[00:52:46] Speaker A: Blindside is a disability because you can.
[00:52:49] Speaker B: Actually have a mental illness that has you a blindside all the time.
[00:52:52] Speaker A: Oh, shit.
[00:52:53] Speaker B: Yeah.
[00:52:55] Speaker A: Well, in that case, you can look up blindside, too. That's on YouTube.
[00:52:58] Speaker B: Just go look up psychology.
Just drop everything you're doing and just go major in psychology. You'll be fine.
[00:53:04] Speaker A: I disagree. Definitely read the Law of One, because then all of that doesn't matter because then you know at that point that everything can be fixed by thought and energy transfer.
Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only change shape.
[00:53:21] Speaker B: Go look at the video for little Albert. It's black and white. You'll be able to get through it. But it might make you cry. Like he made me cry.
[00:53:28] Speaker A: Or just read the law of One, which is why we're here.
Hey, since I have the link, go check out the Law of One. Yeah, you'd see that Polarize with us, would you?
[00:53:42] Speaker B: I don't have the link for the little bear, so you just got to go to Youtube.com.
I'll show you it later. How about that?
[00:53:49] Speaker A: I still got to watch those other two you sent me.
[00:53:50] Speaker B: Well, I still got to show you this one.
[00:53:52] Speaker A: Now I know you good.
[00:53:56] Speaker B: Yes.
[00:53:57] Speaker A: All right. Let's end this.
[00:53:58] Speaker B: Aliens.
[00:53:59] Speaker A: Aliens. Aliens.
[00:54:02] Speaker B: Aliens.
[00:54:03] Speaker A: Aliens.
Thanks, everybody for joining us tonight. We'll see you next week for session four. And we are going to be cute and say we leave you now in the love and the light of the one infinite creator.
See ya.