Episode Transcript
[00:00:00] What is up, seekers? Time for another daily conscious thought.
[00:00:05] And this one today actually spawned from a conversation I was having with my sister over the phone about patience and allowing our spouses to polarized through their spiritual journey at their own pace and not place any undue expectations on them. Because that, I mean, truthfully, doesn't help anybody.
[00:00:39] And I know for myself over the years that is something that has been really difficult with my lovely wife. I had some high expectations, but I don't feel like I was too, too hard on them.
[00:00:58] I could be wrong though, and that caused a lot of strife between us because I would end up putting up a wall when those thoughts, ideas and you know, expectations, whatever, weren't meant, weren't met.
[00:01:21] And it's super not cool.
[00:01:24] So my sister and I were talking about it. You know, she's recently on a spiritual discovery, you know, journey like most of us are and is in this pickle where her spouse is receiving some messaging and is actually becoming somewhat frustrated with the messaging that's, that's being received even though the, the confidence that it's from positive sources is very high and same with me, truthfully.
[00:02:16] And I think one of the things to consider in these situations is, you know, the train just derailed.
[00:02:38] Think about yourself when you're beginning this journey.
[00:02:51] Sure, there's, there's most likely some excitement. There's going to be, you know, high energies and high vibes because things are changing, things are happening, life is great.
[00:03:02] Or it could be a huge like wave of like holy shits and what the.
[00:03:11] Because you're having this just non stop berating, not really berating, but like a barrage of, you know, realizations of where you could do better.
[00:03:25] And for some people it's like, okay, yeah, all right, I see that I should do that. And you know, others it's eh, whatever. And then there's the ones where it's like brutally difficult to have some truth kind of slammed in their faces of like, wow, like I was doing that or I wasn't doing this or I, I was allowing certain things to happen. I'm not in control of my life. I'm, I'm not taking advantage of the catalyst that's being provided or you know, there's a lot of things that can just be blown in your face and everybody's going to have a different reaction to it and everyone's going to process it differently and go through it differently and at different pace than you know, you or I, or you know, just yourself.
[00:04:20] So it's really looking within yourself. And realizing that if you're having issues with somebody else, well, it's your issue, it's not theirs.
[00:04:34] So that's not something to be held against the other person.
[00:04:39] It's actually a growing and healing opportunity for yourself. It's showing some sort of distortion within you. That's something that needs to be worked on.
[00:04:53] Especially going through it myself. It's, it's, it's this huge realization of like, I really need to be patient.
[00:05:01] And I sit there and tell myself, well, you've been patient for years. You're always the one waiting. You're always the one standing by the sidelines while the other is catching up or coming along or making the decision that's not always good either.
[00:05:20] There comes a point where a decision needs to be made along multiple paths. And you can't just sit and be patient the whole time and wait for someone else to do something.
[00:05:36] But in terms of this, if there's confidence in the relationship or partnership or marriage or whatever you're in and you're really just going on a journey together, you know, kind of individually, but together, it's always better to have that partner with you who's going along a similar path to guide each other when certain struggles come up. Like we were talking about the other day with Mac and I, you know, we're on a similar journey but at a different time, you know, a different area. So if there's some roadblocks or stumbling blocks over the way, like we can help each other over them.
[00:06:37] And that's a big thing. And a partnership like that, you're going along your own journey, but you know that you'll always have someone there with you, which isn't necessary. It's just a nice to have. And that person that's with you is going to pull out and bring up everything.
[00:07:07] Not really everything, but a lot of the things that you need to work with, you need to work on a lot of things. You need to heal and catalyze.
[00:07:18] And that's an amazing thing because it's just simple day to day stuff. Like we were just talking today with my sister about the whole, like you're being told that doing something would benefit you and you're being frustrated because it requires you to, for example, wake up a little earlier and do something.
[00:07:52] It could be something as simple as a five minute meditation or, you know, run up and down the stairs a couple times, do a couple sit ups, drink a couple glasses of water in the morning, first thing, simple things. And all of those together will benefit everybody. Truthfully if you wake up and have water, start with water, go into a meditation session for five to 10 minutes, I mean it's really not that much time.
[00:08:30] And then get some physical activity going, get that blood pumping and get your energies up.
[00:08:37] It's an amazing thing. I've done it a few days just as a little test run for myself to see how it goes.
[00:08:46] And I've noticed differences.
[00:08:50] I have more energy through the day, I have less pain through the day.
[00:08:56] You know, when you wake up and prepare yourself for the day, the rest of your day is going to be great.
[00:09:03] That's also a mindset thing too. We can talk about that later. Here's really the big thing.
[00:09:12] When you're in a relationship and you intend on it being a long lasting relationship, well one, if you're in a relationship, you should intend on that anyways.
[00:09:27] If you don't feel that way, then just like yesterday's, you know, you might feel unsafe, might have to get out.
[00:09:38] Then go along your path, do the best you can to be the best you can.
[00:09:49] And don't hold your progression against your partner.
[00:10:01] Set an example and if they're having some issues in certain areas that you've been through, offer assistance, offer your input and offer yourself as a way to help.
[00:10:21] But don't expect them to do exactly what you're suggesting, or don't expect them to go about the exact same steps that you took. Don't expect them to even listen to you. Just offer it in love and let them do what they want to do with it.
[00:10:44] There's a lot of things in this world that would be a lot better if people would just let other people live their lives.
[00:10:54] So don't have high, don't have high expectations.
[00:11:02] You can keep high expectations for yourself, but if you have high expectations for others, you'll be let down and you're just dragging yourself down with it.
[00:11:11] Wish for the best, hope for the best, meditate for higher vibrations, higher energies, live in higher vibrations.
[00:11:24] Be the best you that you can be at all times, as much as you can, because it's difficult and we all know it's difficult.
[00:11:37] But the more you tell yourself it's difficult, you can't do this, can't do that, it's not worth it. What am I doing that you're not going to have the mindset to progress through it.
[00:11:48] Understand that there will be difficulties, but affirm yourself that you will overcome them and you will.
[00:12:05] Anyway. Seekers, that's a conscious thought to consider today.
[00:12:11] We'll see you tomorrow.
[00:12:36] Sa.