Episode Transcript
[00:00:02] What is up, seekers? Aaron here with another conscious thought for you on this lovely Monday.
[00:00:13] If you remember, last Friday, we talked about receiving spiritual communication.
[00:00:22] It's a big deal, kind of important. You want to make sure it's providing you what you want. Well, not that it's providing what you want, but it's coming from a source that you vibe with.
[00:00:35] Well, today we're going to sort of continue from that topic and talk about getting downloads.
[00:00:47] And I'm not meaning, like Internet downloads.
[00:00:55] We're talking.
[00:00:58] I almost made a terrible joke. Metaverse downloads, metaphysical downloads.
[00:01:07] And they come in many shapes and sizes and also, you know, from spiritual, you know, communication.
[00:01:15] So there's a few tips and tricks I have to try to help us remember those. And I do them myself, hence this note card right here, because I get downloads for topics to talk about often.
[00:01:33] And usually it'll be, you know, a few in a row after. Oh, excuse me, after I'm done filming a daily video.
[00:01:44] So these downloads, a good.
[00:01:53] A good method to remember them is something as simple as write it down. Just write it down anywhere you can. Any device.
[00:02:06] We all have phones, they all have note apps. Just note it down.
[00:02:12] You know, especially if it's something that you want to remember for a long period of time to ruminate on and. And start researching into practices to help, you know, bring that to fruition. Whether it's, you know, you get a visualization of an aspect of your life that you want to change, and the visualization you see is something that is you in that life without whatever kind of distortion you're going through.
[00:02:42] So write it down so you can remember to look into it within yourself or through other spiritual teachers. I mean, anything.
[00:02:56] And in doing so, it'll help you remember, obviously, I mean, just the action of writing down your download that you got, if it's something you really want to remember, will actually. Oh, boy.
[00:03:18] Will actually entice you to naturally remember them more.
[00:03:29] And I've been seeing the fruits of that for myself this first week of videos.
[00:03:37] One of them was from the note card.
[00:03:42] All the others have been just remembering what I've wanted to talk about.
[00:03:49] And that could be because they're pivotal, pivotal and very huge in my perception as things that I want to remember and things that I want to work on.
[00:04:02] Whereas, you know, sometimes you'll just get a random little, hey, check this out. And then it's gone.
[00:04:12] So if you hear something, feel something, see something, anything that piques your interest, a thing you can do to try to remember it for later is just write it down, set an alarm in your phone to say, you know, went off work or whatever, went back home, you know, at 5:30pm Remember this happened and look into it.
[00:04:42] You know, how can I manifest that download? How can I communicate this download with someone that I feel it relates to? Or how can I apply this download to my life, to live a more fulfilled life in my future?
[00:05:01] Now, don't get stuck on it, because what's important is to be present, be present in the moment.
[00:05:10] And if you sit there and ruminate and postulate on all of these future things that you want to do, well, the thing you chase the most is the thing that gets away.
[00:05:23] So live in the moment, write it down, set the intention, and then kind of forget about it.
[00:05:32] It'll come back to you. And in reference to that, I just had a situation happen to me last night where I had a download come down and I had time. So I immediately looked into it and started meditating and trying to communicate with higher self and the other positive entities that hang around and help us out.
[00:05:57] So I asked my questions and got answers and the whole situation was done. I told my wife about it as she was on her drive back from work.
[00:06:12] And while I'm doing my, you know, getting ready for my shower for the night, I had a mantra come back to me, like an affirmation come back to me that I hadn't done in months.
[00:06:29] And it was an abundance mantra. You know, it's about some. Some financial abundance.
[00:06:38] Hadn't thought about it in months, and then the situation happens that is going to provide us a lot of abundance in that area.
[00:06:48] And that mantra comes back to me and it's a beautiful reminder from higher self and spirit guides, whichever you like to call them, they're all relatively the same, that when you set your intention on something, it doesn't guarantee that that is going to happen when you want it to or as soon as you want it to. It's going to happen when it's ready, when you're ready, when the time's right.
[00:07:26] That was just amazing for me. It was an amazing night and I am very excited for the future ahead for us.
[00:07:44] When you take. There's a second tip when you take these conscious actions for these downloads and these communications, even in reference to Friday, take these conscious actions. These conscious actions fuel some subconscious action.
[00:08:13] They say, like we, you know, 90 to 95% of our brain function is subconscious and, you know, the 5 to 10% is conscious and does all this action. I mean, what do you think happens in that subconscious?
[00:08:33] Seems to me like part of that or a lot of that is, you know, manifesting the reality around us. Because what you see right now, you're the only one seeing that. You're the only one experiencing that right now.
[00:08:49] Same here now with me recording. I am the only one doing this, seeing this, living this. And I'm the only reason this exists right now.
[00:09:04] So taking these conscious actions to feed our subconscious what we want is a big thing to keep in mind. If you keep living in a negative perspective, a negative viewpoint, that's what the subconscious is going to receive. And because you're feeding those that negativity, that energy, that's a universe sees.
[00:09:36] The universe speaks in energy, not in witten or spoken language. Universe speaks in energy. So if you're giving a thought, an action and emotion, energy universe sees that as a reason to keep giving you catalysts for that thing to happen.
[00:10:03] So if you want to be happier, you gotta be happier. You gotta live. You gotta make the conscious decision to see the positive side of what's going on around you. And just changing that viewpoint will help you realize all the positivity that is around you fueling that energy will give universe notice. Okay, they're, they're changing their, their attention here now.
[00:10:39] Now the ego will continue to feed you those thoughts, ideas, those emotions, those negative energies.
[00:10:51] And what's important is to witness them from afar. Do not take ownership of that which you do not want to own, that which you do not want to be.
[00:11:05] Now, if you want to be in that, well, that's you. That's cool.
[00:11:10] No judgment. We're all here for our own purpose, our own reasons. We're all here to do certain things.
[00:11:22] But if you don't want to be that, the less attention, the less energy you give to negativity around you, the less likely it will be present.
[00:11:40] And you start fueling energy and attention into positive thoughts that aren't yours.
[00:11:50] Positive emotions, positive perceptions, you'll get more of those.
[00:12:03] So consciously take positive action if that's what you want. Negative action if that's what you want.
[00:12:10] Consciously take the action to feed the subconscious to continue to focus those energies where you want them to be.
[00:12:23] And universe will provide exactly what you're giving your energy to.
[00:12:35] And a curious thing about taking these conscious actions, here's tip number three in doing this.
[00:12:46] If you're one that likes dreams, likes visualizing things in your sleep, likes to participate in those visualizations in your sleep, taking these actions will not only help you remember them More naturally will give you more vivid dreams.
[00:13:06] And the more you fuel into it, the more chances and abilities you'll have to be able to initiate some lucid dreaming. And possibly if you're into it, you know, you start feeling the right energies. Astral projection.
[00:13:25] I'm confident I have tapped into AP a couple times because the moment I got excited and realized what was happening, I got pulled out.
[00:13:37] So I am not very proficient in that.
[00:13:42] But I also haven't taken the time to focus on it and practice it. It is an ability that can be learned and trained and improved upon.
[00:13:53] So if you. This, this tip applies to dreams. If you want to remember your dreams more when you have one.
[00:14:01] I mean, I'm. I'm fairly sure that we dream all the time. It's just whether or not we. We remember it as we wake.
[00:14:09] When you do have one, you remember, write it down once again. That conscious action fuels subconscious response.
[00:14:20] So if you know, you want to remember these dreams, you want to be able to have more vivid dreams, you want to be able to visualize them better.
[00:14:29] Write it down.
[00:14:31] There's a lot of writing stuff down here, but I have notes in my phone from years ago of just phenomenal dreams. I've had one of them. I have an interesting intention on hopefully making a game out of one day because it was that insane and it was super rad.
[00:14:56] So do you notice when you receive downloads, it could even be something like that song lyric that I spoke about.
[00:15:11] Do you want to remember those to help further your polarization in this cycle?
[00:15:19] Well, there's a few tips for you.
[00:15:23] Write it down. Write it down. Write it down.
[00:15:28] Use that subconscious action to fuel the those subconscious responses because that's the larger portion of consciousness in this third density experience.
[00:15:50] I did something a little different this time. Let me know what you think about it in the comments down below. It's not super subtle.
[00:15:59] Tell me some of your stories, some of your downloads you received or you know, some, some spiritual communication. If you didn't catch the last video, I mean, go ahead and check it out. Playlist is going to be at the end here. But yeah, let me know. Spiritual communication. Tell me some stories about your life. I'm really genuinely interested to know.
[00:16:22] And come back this video, let's say three months later, Three months from now. Set a reminder in your phone right now, Write it down. Take that note. Three months from now, come back to this video and reply to your comment on how your progress is. If you want to make it sooner, do three weeks. That's okay.
[00:16:50] In three weeks from today, I will come back to Aaron's video and comment my progress on remembering my dreams, on the improvements I've made in my life because of taking conscious action for spiritual downloads.
[00:17:08] Or maybe just update on some new downloads you've had, new spiritual communication you received. That would be awesome. I would love to see and and hear what's going on in your lives. Because the mystery of this world is the coolest thing ever.
[00:17:29] The mystery of existence is the coolest thing ever.
[00:17:33] And just being able to get like a bird's eye view, you know, third party access to some of the amazing things that source has out there is just phenomenal.
[00:17:47] Talk to you soon, Seekers. Thanks for watching, thanks for listening, and we'll see you tomorrow.